Le site institutionnel de la Fédération Nationale de la Pêche en France
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Accéder au siteThe exercise of the fishing conditions are determined by the Environmental Code and the prefectural orders.
To reflect the biology of species, streams, canals and lakes are classified into two fish categories:
Fishing can be exercised from a half hour before sunrise until one-half hour after sunset. Fishing times of day, calculated standard time are listed on the home page. However, fishing night carp is the subject to a specific law. In Meurthe-et-Moselle, it is possible to fish night carp between April 1 and October 31 on some routes defined by prefectural. The detention of a stamp CPMA (fee Fishing Aquatic Environment) is required to fish at night carp
The opening times are determined in consideration of the breeding season of the various fish species, which justifies the closure of the fishery. The fishing periods and vary by class fish, species and, where appropriate, departments.
The opening of the trout fishing in the first class period is set from the second Saturday in March to the third Sunday of September, in order to ensure optimal protection of the reproduction of brown trout. 3 In the waters of the second category, fishing is allowed all year, except for fishing for pike, zander or salmon, which have specific closures.
Thus, fishing for pike is authorized from 1 January to the last Sunday of January and last saturday of april to 31 December (inclusive).
New 2020 : Fishing for zander is authorized from 1 January to the last Sunday of January and last saturday of may to 31 December (inclusive).
Fishing for brown trout and whitefish is permitted in 2nd class during the opening time in water of 1st category.
Fishing for grayling is permitted the third Saturday in May in the third Sunday of September in 1st class until 31 December in the second category.
The minimum landing sizes: Some species of fish and crayfish are subject to a minimum size for the age of first reproduction. Fish caught with a length less than the prescribed size must be returned to the water immediately after capture.
The fish is measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the extended tail, crayfish from the tip of the head, claws and antenna not included at the end of the tail.
Some fish are the subject of a legal catch size below which they should be returned to the water.
In Meurthe-et-Moselle, legal catch sizes are :
• 0.25 m for trout (except the Plaine river where size is fixed at 0.20 m)
• 0.60 m for pike,
• 0.50 m for zander,
• 0.30 m for the Black-bass,
• 0.30 m for grayling,
• 0.09 m for crayfish.
However, some AAPPMA could define larger sizes in their internal regulations.
A prefectural decree establishes the creation of graciation course on which the catch and release the catch is mandatory :
In Meurthe-et-Moselle, salmonids are subject to a limited number of catches set at six per angler per day.
However, some AAPPMA can set a lower number of catches or on other species.
Since the decree of April 9, 2016, a daily quota of three predators (pike, perch and black bass) is applicable in the waters of second category.
Maximum two pike per day per angler may be retained.
Members of associations approved for fishing and the protection of the aquatic environment may, depending on the CPMA stamp acquitted fish :
- Up to four lines in the waters of 2nd category.
- A line in the waters of 1st category in the public domain.
The lines should be mounted on rods and hooks provided with two or three artificial flies at most. They must be available near the fisherman.
Gear and nets :
- Six scales more for catching crayfish and shrimps
- A carafe or bottle, for catching minnows and other fish for bait whose capacity may be greater than two liters, in the waters of 2nd category.
The methods and prohibited fishing methods :
- Fishing by hand under the ice or by disturbing the water is prohibited. The shelling made for angling stud is however allowed.
- all processes consisting hook a fish other than by mouth is prohibited.
Specific measures of protection of fish wealth :
In the waters of 1st and 2nd category, it is forbidden to use as bright or as bait fish the species which are subject to minimum landing sizes or are designated as capable of causing biological imbalances (catfish perch-sun, exotic crayfish) or are protected under the law on the protection of nature or belong to species "foreign" (non-legally represented in our waters and use as bait or as a primer eggs from natural or artificial fish, civelles, eel or its meat is also prohibited.
In the waters of the second category, fishing alive, the dead or artificial fish, spoon and other lures, except the artificial fly is prohibited during the period specific prohibition of fishing for pike.
Some rivers are protected areas by prefectural. On the public domain, they are subject to a protection of up to 5 years.
Other reservations are required by managers to protect breeding areas or certain susceptible species. All of these reserves is detailed on AAPPMA sectors (in orange on Google Maps).